hashcrack is a fast (as fast as OpenSSL allows) hash cracker. It features an additive hash checking to speed up the process. For example, to check for the hashes of abc
and abd
, hashcrack only computes the hash of ab
, then computes one round each for c
and d
totaling 4 rounds (two for ab
, one for c
and one for d
). This eliminates a good number of rounds if we calculate hashes from the beginning (6 in this case). The longer the key, the more the saving.
A draw back to this feature is it does not work with non-additive hash algorithms. Luckily, popular algorithms, such as SHA-1, RIPEMD160, MD5, are additive.
Compared to vshark (another hash cracker by rd), hashcrack is so much faster. An unscientific benchmark to RIPEMD160-scan the whole 6-character a-zA-Z0-9
space ended in about 6 minutes with hashcrack, and more than 2 hours with vshark. To be fair to vshark, there was another version of hashcrack written in pure Python. It was 6 times slower than vshark.