10 – zlotpy
Gambling time. Play against the Internet Zlot Machine at ctf.fluxfingers.net tcp/2053 This challenge has two stages.

1) Medium: Investigate the contents of a saved game.

2) Hard: Get 8 (EIGHT) bonus points. Good luck! Hint: We have some sourcecode for you! https://ctf.fluxfingers.net/challenges/zlot.py

At the first sight, we thought this challenge was about Padding Oracle, but it turned out that Bit Flipping attack should be enough to solve.
First step is to send ‘S’ and get back the ciphertext representing current game state

Welcome to the Internet ZlotMachine. Enter ‘T’ for the Tutorial.
Your current balance is 5 credits and 1 bonus
Your games has been saved! Please write down the following save game code.
This game may later be loaded with L

If we send this cipher back to the server, it will return “Your current balance is 5 credits and 1 bonus”

The code below will loop throuth each byte of the cipher text, increase the value by one and ask the server to load that newly created gamestate.

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)

responses = set()

def send_request(data):
        s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)

    r = s.recv(1024)

    if r not in responses:
        print r

orig_cipher = base64.b64decode("mzIbwjPTw6hMVcp5DsRZGJykuaWXYaukFOEvUT5xVFLfjqQahbCTNsjXYYUawNEc+XFBV689Y/LPD8YYqKy+Z4DqS1uh9yva1ICjyphYbC8=")
fake_cipher = orig_cipher
l = len(orig_cipher)
for i in range(l):
    print "Try with character #%d"%i
    fake_cipher = set_byte(orig_cipher, i, chr((ord(fake_cipher[i])+1)%256) )

The response will look like this:

Try with character #9
Try with character #10
Restored state.
Your current balance is 5 credits and 0 bonus

Try with character #11
Error loading game: Expecting , delimiter: line 1 column 11 (char 11)

Looking at the result, we notice that changing value of byte #10 will cause the bonus value changed.
Now we simply brute the value of this byte until getting the flag:

orig_cipher = base64.b64decode("mzIbwjPTw6hMVcp5DsRZGJykuaWXYaukFOEvUT5xVFLfjqQahbCTNsjXYYUawNEc+XFBV689Y/LPD8YYqKy+Z4DqS1uh9yva1ICjyphYbC8=")
fake_cipher = orig_cipher
l = len(orig_cipher)
for i in range(256):
    index = 10
    fake_cipher = set_byte(fake_cipher, index, chr((ord(fake_cipher[index])+i)%256) )

We will see the flag after a few minutes:

Restored state.
Your current balance is 5 credits and 5 bonus

Restored state.
Your current balance is 5 credits and 8 bonus
Nice one. Here’s your flag: 9eef8f17d07c4f11febcac1052469ab9